We can’t wait for spring and warm weather! Like the flowers and trees, we’re patiently waiting to bloom.
April’s highlight was sitting down with one of Jasmine Mian – Calgary Ward 3 Councillor‘s office staff. Country Hills is not alone in refreshing its playgrounds. Hidden Valley has been revitalizing playgrounds too and it was awesome to get practical advice from Sarah on “how to playground”. Rejuvenating playgrounds is a long game and it was humbling to learn we would spend at least two years fundraising.
The conversation generated a lot of next actions we’ll be working on in May. In the meantime, we still need playground survey volunteers! Message us on Facebook for a printable survey or to pick a paper copy. Surveying the playgrounds helps us make data driven decisions, which we can use to build better community spaces. We made 36 playground visits in April, but can always use more help since we can’t be everywhere